Exit Strategies

This section ties hand-in-hand with the previous – though it is important to reiterate that you need to allow price action to unfold and to make your moves both confidently and swiftly.

You will never buy the very bottom (unless Bagheera does it for you πŸ˜‰ ) and you will never sell the top.

It’s important to let price action play out and simply reduce your exposure on the large upside moves so you can lock in your profit.

If you have a lot of confidence in the team and have high conviction in further upside momentum, be sure to be patient for a sell-off to add back onto your position. You’ll be glad you waited and got a better average entry instead of buying into a multitude of green candles.

Remember, you are not the only one that will be trying to offload your position on large moves up.

Again - ensure that you sell initial after 2-3x, and offload bag in percent-based chunks.

Essentially if you are able to capture your initial position value you are playing with house funds.

We have seen moon bags go parabolic countless times in this space so always be sure to stay partially exposed. These can easily make up any losses from failed projects plus more.

Overall, take partial profits on the moves up and let your runners continue to run!

Last updated