Token Analysis
Name: The name of the token.
Pair: The primary trading pair of the token, usually WETH.
Contract: The tokens contract address and Etherscan page. The lock indicates if the contract is renounced.
A contract that is not renounced can be edited at any time. This can lead to malicious code being added after launch. Be careful!
Market Cap: The current market cap of the token in USD.
Liquidity: The current liquidity of the token in USD.
Taxes: The buy and sell tax of the token. Slippage must be set higher than the respective tax in order to complete a buy or sell.
Transactions: A breakdown of the total transactions in the past 24 hours.
Holders: The total number of wallets that hold this token, as well as the number of wallets that hold 1% of the supply, 2% of the supply, and 4% of the supply.
Be cautious if a single wallet holds more than 4% of the supply or the top 20 holders hold a large % of the supply. This means that a few wallets could sell and impact the price heavily.
Deployer: Information on the wallet that deployed the token. This includes the wallet age, current Ethereum balance, and source of funds used to deploy the token.
Verified Contract: A green check mark indicates that the contract has been verified by Etherscan. Any links or information found in the contract will be included here making it easy to learn more about the token.
Max TX/Wallet: Some contracts limit how many tokens can be held in a wallet or sent in a single transaction. If this information was found in the contract it will be sent here.
Swap links to Uniswap.
DEXScreener and DEXTools are useful websites to view the tokens chart and recent transactions.
Honeypot includes a honeypot analysis of the token. This is not 100% accurate.
Twitter links to a Twitter search of the token symbol.
Last updated